Saturday, December 8, 2012

Drug to prevent blood clots

Considering how many BC patients actually die of blood clots, this new drug is very interesting:

What cost in 2 months delay in diagnosing/treating Advanced Breast Cancer?

This paper gives us some idea:
Waiting ≥ 60 days to initiate treatment was associated with a significant 66% and 85% increased risk of overall and breast cancer–related death, respectively, among late-stage patients

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TEDMED 20 greatest medical challenges

There's one item that includes Cancer as "Management of Chronic Conditions".   I don't think majority of stage 4 aggressive breast cancer is really manageable yet, certainly not chronic in the way diabetes and heart disease patients have decades to expect.
Here's the list:

Don't get me wrong, I love TED, and would probably love TEDMED too.  But apparently cancer cure is NOT very challenging for them.